Saturday, January 8

The Greatest Show that Never Happened

I got an unexpected treat tonight (this morning?) from Adult Swim on Cartoon Network.  Completely out of the blue they aired the one and only episode of Korgoth of Barbaria, a show which, despite eagerly anticipating leading up to it's debut in 2006, I had completely forgotten about due to Adult Swim's failure to develop the series into anything more.  

Korgath title card

From time to time they would tease viewers with a bumper saying that the show had been picked-up, but then all would fall silent again, and over the years I had forgotten about this epic episode.  Maybe part of me had buried the memory of Korgath, because the pain of knowing that this nearly perfect cartoon would never be developed as a series was simply too much to bear.

It was the perfect mix of crude but stylized animation centered around the title character named Korgath, who was a walking parody of Conan the Barbarian with the "twitching-eye badassery" of Brock Samson.  The visuals were kind of MAD Magazine-meets-Heavy Metal, with that same over-the-top violence and those scantily clad fantasy-realm babes so often affiliated with the latter.  I honestly couldn't count how many limbs and heads get lopped-off, or how many people get split right down the middle like firewood.  And although the setting is your usual medieval/fantasy world, it in fact takes place in the post-apocalyptic future, which is always a cool spin. 

On top of all of that...and yes this is the part of the infomercial where the douchebag host tells the fake studio audience, "BUT THAT'S NOT ALL!"....

On top of all of that, it was funny as shit.  It had a great mix of gross-out and slapstick humor with it's fair share of witty dialogue.  This show really had it all.  I would fornicate with this show if it were possible.  I would spend the money to take this show to a nice restaurant, get it drunk, and then shamelessly pound it.  Better yet, I would text it the next day to line-up another date. 

It was that fucking good.

So RIP, Korgoth of Barbaria.  You could have potentially been the greatest animated show in history, alas Adult Swim ultimately deemed you "too expensive".  This is despite the fact that they keep pouring money into Family Guy and American Dad reruns (which are fucking awesome, yes, but if that money could go to Korgoth then I'll just catch them on DVD) and dreck like Metalocalypse (which seems to have a fairly high production value, but is only actually funny about 20% of the time, fine for background noise 50% of the time, and completely fucking intolerable the other 30% of the time).

Thankfully we live in the "future", and you can view the sheer fucking badassery of Korgoth on Youtube.

You're welcome.

The compendium of popular (and some unpopular) culture, for the man who can still get laid.